Heat Pumps

Whether it's for your home, your office space, we have the solution for all your electrical heating. Specially equipped to handle any issues that arise with your current heating system, talk to us about your needs.
Utilizing the latest in technologies from Toshiba heat pumps, or your prefered manufacturer, we can transform your home into a healthy and warm environment.

Please scroll down and click “Enquire Now” for a free measure and quote!

I have had 10+ years experience of installing heat pumps from North Canterbury to Nelson Tasman regions. I have worked with most of the available brands and have a broad knowledge of the different aspects between brands and models.

We have chosen Toshiba to be our preferred brand to install. One reason is that the quality of their product is very good, something I am willing to stand beside and advocate. Another reason is that after some courses, history and research, we have found that Toshiba is a leader in their field. The technology that other brands are using and marketing strongly, Toshiba pioneered!

Having said that, we are more than happy to supply and install other brands if you have a preference!

I believe that the efficiency that heat pumps offer far outweighs most other available heating sources in New Zealand. This helps greatly with our individual financial needs plus the global environmental needs as well.

Tim McLay